What We Do

What We Do

Community Advocacy and Organizing

This program educates members of underserved communities on their rights, on issues affecting their communities, and on the skills needed for self-advocacy. Special focus is made on leadership identification and development in order to give people the skills to organize their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces effectively and to train others in these skills. Community members who come through the program will be equipped to advocate for policies and funding for programs such as environmental regulations, tenant protections, and immigrant welfare. Where proposed legislation on relevant issues exists, San Diego Liberation Center will conduct education, support such legislation, lobby for its passage, and encourage voters to support any related legislation or ballot measures. This program serves to counter inequality and marginalization by building equity and political power through mobilizing for new policies, programs or legislation.

Educational Series

This program is a series of educational workshops, forums, and film screenings which seeks to educate and engage communities in social and economic justice, particularly as it relates to the San Diego region. Topics include:

* What a new labor movement looks like
* Fighting poverty and inequity
* Black liberation, past and present
* Gender and LGBTQ liberation
* Capitalism, socialism and democracy
* Climate solutions

This program furthers our mission by educating the general public and promoting advocacy.

Know Your Rights Workshops

Frequently, barriers to change come from authorities or institutions that actually abrogate inherent rights. Knowing one’s rights is key to making change. San Diego Liberation Center conducts educational classes and provide informational tools to inform the public of their rights, including but not limited to the following areas:

* Workplace and labor organizing
* Immigrants’ rights
* Policing
* Voting and disenfranchisement
* Protesting

Courses and tools may be developed in conjunction with attorneys, but focus on the practical application of exercising rights in creating change. Each class is designed to be taught in two hour modules and multiple modules can be combined for more comprehensive training.

This program enables political power through education.


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